Sunday, December 28, 2008

29 December

(itunes: Wilco- Summer teeth)

We continued our journey through Michigan to Grand Blanc. We're visiting my mom's brother. My cousin and his wife just had their first son. His name is Whitman. He's awesome. They have so many names for him. When he is cranky it's Chucky (after the possessed doll), when he is dirty it's Leonard, when it's not Whitman it's woodman or billy or an assortment of other names.

We're heading back to Mass tomorrow after lunch with our cousins from Florida. 

26 December

(itunes: Jadiid- Hallelujah)

The whole family rented a house in Caseville, MI right on the water. It was a great house. Really big. It also happened to be my Grandparents 50th wedding anniversary. We played lots of card games and catch phrase. 

We had some crazy weather. It got really warm then extremely rainy and windy. The power went out in the night, and everyone had to "go to the bathroom" outside. It was still pretty fun.

25 December

(itunes: Josh Groban- Silent Night)

Well... the family drove to Michigan. It was a 14 hour drive which we did straight through. We arrived at 6:30 in the morning. We spent the day at my grandparents house. The whole family came over. We played our annual family football game. It's fun now that all the cousins are getting older. I can finally hit them a little bit harder. 

Headed off Up North to a cabin with the whole family the next day.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

21 December

(itunes: Owen- Most Days And)

Complete white out driving home from work. The windshield wipers froze over and we had to peak out of a 2"x 2" area just to see the road. So many cars got turned around from the ice. I felt bad and wanted to help them, but I knew if we stopped it be very hard to get going again.

Took these pictures out of my bedroom window. My mom hates the colored Christmas lights.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

20 December

(itunes: Daphne Loves Derby- Are Two Chords Enough Dear?)

It is really cold out. We had a snow storm last night, and I had to drive home from work in it at midnight. The highway was completely covered in snow. There were no lanes for the cars to follow so everyone just drove really slow in the middle of the road. 

This morning, on the way to work, I passed a car who was buried three feet deep into the snow off the highway. 

Thankfully, this snow offers some cool pictures.

Monday, December 15, 2008

December 14

(itunes: Kanye West- Heartless)

Public transportation sucks. If you are lucky enough to get a seat to yourself on the bus, you are still cramped. Whoever makes bus seats obviously wasn't six foot. 

And why is it that fat guys always have to sit next to the skinny kid? They always seem to fall asleep and let their elbows and knees wander onto your side of the seat.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

13 December

(itunes: Sufjan Stevens- Chicago)

Mike and I traveled back to PA. He bought a '88 Toyota Supra in Illinois, then came to JudsonU so we could drive back. We got the car up to 120 mph, but it needs some work from the mechanic, to say the least. 

I took some pictures from the car on the highway of other cars. The flash scared every driver we encountered. 

We listened to a very unique combination of music ranging from The Devil Wears Prada to Rosie Thomas, and, of course, we had to go back to our 8th grade roots and pull out Sing the Sorrow from AFI.

I'm excited for this Christmas break, but I really need to find a job.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

11 December

(itunes: Anathallo- Hoodwink)

Sorry the posts have been lacking, but I just finished finals week. It is a joyous moment. 

How would you react sitting on public transportation with an old homeless women next to you and 15 to 20 ex-convicts seated on your bus?

You may ask: how do you know these men are ex-convicts?

Answer: They are walking in a group with police officers, wearing identical grey sweatsuits and black Converse, carrying brown paper bags and boxes with their belongings.

This is how my friend traveled for 2 hours from St. Louis to Carbondale, IL.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

7 December

(itunes: KaiserCartel- Oh No)

I took the idea for these pictures from Corey. I had to try it out for myself. I love the process and result though.

I respect a good whistler.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

6 December

(itunes: Rosie Thomas- Why Can't It Be Christmastime All Year)

It's funny to see the two types of winter people: those who really bundle up, and those who refuse to let the cold interfere with their plans for wearing shorts. 

I stick with the coat, scarf, and hat.

Everyone else: you're all crazy.

5 December

(itunes: Death Cab for Cutie- We Looked Like Giants)

Sorry for the lack of posts. Every time I pull the camera out it's too dark to take pictures. 

I have a new hilarious situation for you... 

Take a room full of guys (all friends) watching a movie, very comfortable on their couches. Two new guys walk in:
 1st guy- an acquaintance of a few.
 2nd guy- friend of the acquaintance.

There is one more space on a couch. 1st guy obviously takes it and starts to enjoy the movie. 2nd guy stands awkwardly for a minute, telling himself "this is not awkward". 

He walks out.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

3 December

(itunes: Angus & Julia Stone- Beast)

Here's a nice beach house to take your mind to a warmer place.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

2 December

(itunes: Margot and the Nuclear So and Sos- Hello Vagina)

It's the best when you have something in your right hand and someone comes up to say hello. You feel obligated to shake their hand (usually if you're a guy), but obviously the object in your hand is preventing this from happening. 

Go with the left-handed handshake.

Monday, December 1, 2008

1 December

(itunes: Right Away, Great Captain!- Right Away, Great Captain!)

Dave decided to go with the confederate mustache. I thought I'd snag some pics of this monumental journey.

As Corey  Bienert would say... let me set the scene...

You're walking on a path heading towards an intersection in the sidewalk. You notice that a couple, whom are your acquaintances, are also heading towards the intersection, about to veer the direction you're headed. (They are slightly ahead of you in distance).

As you come to the intersection you are about 3 steps behind them. You don't want to speed up because that would be rude, and you don't want to stay behind because it looks creepy, and you don't want to say "hello" because you've already been behind them too long (it would just be awkward).

What do you do?

duck into a building.