(itunes: The Decemberists- The Crane Wife 3)
This is my first blog.
My first post, at that.
Thanks to Corey Bienert for setting me up with everything. Hope to do you proud, kid.
Here's some advice he gave to get me started:
update that sauce
keep me up on the tunes your listening to
share your ideals
share your beef
whore yourself out there to the internet world
Thanksgiving is in two days. I can't wait to get home, and see the family, eat some sweet potato crunch.
No-Shave-November is coming to an end.
First Comment.
You better update this thing man.
I want to see tones of pictures.
Bring the camera with you everywhere.
Trust me.
Good luck man.
update that sauce
keep me up on the tunes your listening to
share your ideals
share your beef
whore yourself out there to the internet world
good words.
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